Joseph Maselli
Police commission
Joe is a highly capable member of our current Police Commission; having served two previous terms! As a high school principal and science teacher, Joe is in a unique position for his understanding of labor law, parliamentary procedures, budgeting processes, FOIA regulations, and other specific knowledge critical to be an effective member of a public commission. He has extensive experience in collaboration, negotiation, and communication.
In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook, Joe became a voice and staunch advocate for the School Resource Officer position in our schools and currently serves as the safety coordinator in his school district. Joe intends to continue to do his part in guiding the Commission to make productive, legal, and sound decisions for our community.
Joe and his wife have 4 children. He has been a Boy Scout leader, youth soccer coach and church lector. He continues to volunteer as an audio engineer for the Old Saybrook Schools and Youth & Family Services’ productions which he has enjoyed doing for 10 years.
When you meet Joe, ask him to explain Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation; we believe he’s the only Physics teacher running for office!