Jackie Prast
Police commission
Jackie is running for a seat on the Old Saybrook Police Commission. During the school year, you can find her as a member of our Old Saybrook Middle School Special Education Team.
Jackie’s background was shaped by watching close members of her family work for the New Haven Police Department and New Haven Fire Department. She is passionate about community service and has demonstrated that through her work with our Zoning Board of Appeals, Youth & Family Services Toy Drive, OSPD Diaper Drive, the Common Ground Garden Club, the OSRTC and the OSRWC.
Jackie approaches all of her work in a fair and impartial manner. She understands the importance of maintaining the high standard of public safety we have come to enjoy in Old Saybrook. As such, she is committed to understanding the issues facing the Department and the town, cultivating a working partnership with fellow board members and ensuring accountability and transparency from all.
While Jackie’s schedule is busy, you can likely find her pursuing her love of gardening or wreath designing on any given weekend!