carl p. fortuna jr
first selectman
Welcome to the Old Saybrook Republican Town Committee website.
We are thrilled that you have landed here and hope that this page is easy
for you to navigate and exceptionally informational.
I am finishing up my sixth, two-year term in office this November and,
with that, Old Saybrook and all its boards and commissions will have
been under mostly Republican control for over 24 consecutive years. My
administration over the last 12 years, in conjunction with the Board of
Finance, and other boards and commissions, as well as our team in town
hall, has repaired town finances so that they are the best they have been
in decades. With an exceptional rainy-day fund, plummeting debt
service, healthy capital reserves and pension plans that are fully funded,
Old Saybrook distinguishes itself as a model government. Transparency
and public engagement are key; all good ideas are welcome.
A walk around town will highlight updated infrastructure from our
sidewalks to our recreational facilities for both adults and children. We
continuously seek improvements to our facilities with yearly capital
investment. Even better, the town has successfully secured millions of
dollars in state grants over the last 10 years to assist with infrastructure
Old Saybrook Republicans take pride in our town and truly believe that
our decades long leadership has been key to making this town the gem
that it is. We know that there are many new people moving to our town,
and the state, because of recent events worldwide events. Our message
to folks new and old is to come join us, volunteer on a board or
commission and be a part of what makes this place so great.
Old Saybrook is the shining star on the Connecticut coast because solid
citizens have come forward to accomplish practical, mainstream goals.
The Old Saybrook Republican party stands for good government,
excellent schools, safe streets and a vibrant local economy. We are a
town that seeks continuous improvement so that all those who live, work
and play here will thrive throughout the year.
Thank you.
Carl P. Fortuna, Jr.
First Selectman, Town of Old Saybrook